January 27 2019 horoscope

  1. January 27th, , Sunday | 13 Must Know Facts
  2. Mercury enters Capricorn
  3. Here is your horoscope for January 27, 2018
  4. Other Date Formats:
  5. Just in: Your January 2019 Horoscope

This month is a new chapter for you. There is so much alignment this month for you Leo, beginning with the new year and your desire for a completely fresh start.

January 27th, , Sunday | 13 Must Know Facts

If you want to change everything—do it. Maybe not right this second, but begin to find ways to supplement your income and focus on making every gorgeous thought in your big, beautiful brain HAPPEN. You may already have a new love interest, or perhaps things are heating up with a friend or partner.

There is also potential for a new living arrangement. There are a lot of metaphorical and physical walls this month for you, Virgo. Who are you letting in? This month might feel like a blast from the past—waves of sentimentality and nostalgia abound, dear Libra. But the beautiful thing is that you get to decide what to let in and what to let go.

Maybe this is a reminder that you used to love to draw or play piano.

Mercury enters Capricorn

When is the last time you did something you did as a kid? This can serve as your reminder. Get out of your comfort zone and trust that you know yourself well enough to recognize what you need.

I see a little domesticity rearing up for you this month, Scorpio. As you focus on your basic needs and security, there may be some inner turmoil. The truth is, when you create stability for yourself, you have more room than ever to chase passion and big, hairy ideas that scare you.

January lunar eclipse Total eclipse Chart of the eclipse; ecliptic north is up, hourly motion shown right to left. All Central total eclipses Total penumbral eclipses Historically significant. Retrieved from " https: Use dmy dates from August All stub articles.

Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons. This page was last edited on 28 December , at Do not take any long trips and or play any exhausting sports.

It is essential that you are at least partially recovered and prepared for a new work week. The Sagittarius on January 27, , should expect trouble when communicating with people of the opposite sex.

There may be about of jealousy from your partner, the appearance of an obsessive former lover, or the appearance of a love triangle. The rest of Sunday promises to pass without serious problems. You will be successful in shopping or developing a new hobby. Those who are looking for new ideas for business are advised to listen to the advice of their friends.

Capricorn can fully relax and tune everything out.

Here is your horoscope for January 27, 2018

Dedicate Sunday to yourself: Afternoon visits consist of people asking for help; before rushing to the rescue, soberly assess your energy reserves. If it is not too high, it is better to respond with a courteous refusal. Many Aquarius will have to play an unfamiliar role today.

This forecast will come true literally, and you will participate in a production, depict someone in a children's movie, or another such event.

Other Date Formats:

There will be no major or minor problems today. There is a chance for news from friends who have recently left for another city or country. Perhaps there will be a creative inspiration or a need for romance.

For many Pisces, Sunday will be a period of well-deserved rest and relaxation.

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Today does not call for friends, their requests for help, the visits of a bothered relative, or other sources of irritation.

Now is a great time to take care of yourself and your body.

Just in: Your January 2019 Horoscope

A moderate sport, light stretching, massage, or yoga will be useful. Also, you should not forget how important it is to restore emotional balance and find inner balance.

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