Compatibility astrology pisces

Best Matches
  1. Pisces Love Match | LoveToKnow
  2. Pisces Sun Sign Compatibility Matches
  3. Summary of Pisces compatibility
  4. Pisces Compatibility
  5. Worst Matches

Pisces Love Match | LoveToKnow

Grounded, practical Capricorn helps provide badly needed guidance and direction for dreamy, scatter-brained Pisces. This union has excellent potential to become a relationship that is truly delightful and successful.

Pisces and Libra are two signs that are likely to feel a strong mutual attraction in the beginning, but sooner or later, their critical differences will begin to cause problems. Both are signs that have a predisposition to stray, so infidelity can be a problem as well. Although there very likely is an element of attraction between the two of them, this is not an astrology love match built to stand the test of time.

  1. Attractive Pisces Personality Traits.
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A sensitive, emotional Pisces requires plenty of devotion, romance, and tender loving care in order to feel fulfilled within a relationship. Freedom-loving, independent Sagittarius will not be able to provide this, and in fact fears losing its identity in the midst of such a union.

When it comes to two-of-a-kind matches, a Pisces-Pisces pairing is generally one of the most successful possibilities.

Pisces Sun Sign Compatibility Matches

Each partner is able to provide the other with the emotional fulfillment he or she needs, and they will spend many happy, romantic hours together dreaming and indulging their imaginations. However, there will be little to no grounding influence in this union whatsoever, and this couple may find they have a lot of trouble managing practical matters and staying in touch with reality.

On the one hand, Virgo can provide the type of stabilizing, practical influence for Pisces that most fish sorely need.

Taurus & Pisces: Love Compatibility

Pisces can bring a very necessary whimsical twist to the relationship that will remind Virgo to loosen up once in a while. However, there could be trouble in the bedroom, as Pisces is looking for a level of romance and passion that many Virgos cannot deliver.

Summary of Pisces compatibility

Free Birth Chart Wheel. When Mercury and Neptune come together a beautiful spiritual connection is made. Together, they represent an idealistic partnership. Pisces is also ruled by Jupiter. This adds a yang energy to the combination and represents philosophy, expansion and excesses.

This trio brings excellent communication, empathy, imagination and creativity to the relationship. Generally the two are very compatible, as both Water and Earth are real, tangible things. Pisces, as a Water Sign, is born to connect humankind, and when they come together with Earth there is not a stronger natural bond. Virgo may have a more stable view of life than their partner.

They can help their lover ground that poetic Pisces nature.

Pisces Compatibility

But it will be easy for them to find a way to work around these disparities. Virgo and Pisces are both Mutable Signs.

Possible Pisces Love Matches

Both like to move from one arena to another as the feeling takes them. They each are continuously inspired and assisted by one another, forming a cyclical ring of new ideas and a steady stream of excitement.

Worst Matches

Conflict rarely arises between them, and when it does it quickly resolves itself. Both partners have learned the fine art of compromise. The overall empathy and commitment these two Signs value in a relationship is what will keep the ties strong and long lasting.

Everyone will be envious of their devotion to one another, as well as to their friends and the community. Who's in your future?