Cancer woman best compatibility with other signs

Best Matches
  1. Cancer Compatibility - Astrology Companion
  2. What Signs Are Compatible With Cancer?
  3. Mars enters Aries

They tend to be security lovers and highly nostalgic individuals with a great respect for the past and a weakness for objects like souvenirs. When it comes to romance compatibility astrology, Cancer is best matched with fellow water signs, as well as earth signs that often share their natural sensibilities.

Taurus and Cancer are alike in that they share a common need for security and a sense of permanence when it comes to all major aspects of their lives. Both signs are sensitive and attentive to their loved ones, making for an astrology love match that is likely to stand the test of time quite well. Scorpio can be a prickly love match for many zodiac natives, but this is not the case with Cancer.

One of the best things about a Virgo-Cancer pairing is the immense capacity for caring that is there. Both Virgo and Cancer are signs that delight in looking after their loved ones, and their union will be a loving one indeed.

They are also great at communicating with each other, despite the fact that Virgo always speaks from a practical standpoint, while Cancer is more emotive. Although this pairing does have the capacity for success, it is unlikely, due to the wildy different ways these two individuals function. Cancer is all emotion and feeling, while Libra approaches life on more intellectual terms, causing the two of them to speak completely different languages.

Cancer Compatibility and Water Signs

Although it is possible for Cancer and Gemini to connect well on an emotional level, these two are ultimately far too different to really make for a successful partnership. You are both loyal, generous, family oriented and romantic.

If you can support Leo's need to be in the spotlight, you will find a steadfast compassionate mate. Cancer and the Virgo man will find that they have a shared depth. Virgo men exude a sense of calm that makes the Cancer woman feel right at home.

Cancer Compatibility - Astrology Companion

He will coax you out of your shell with his charm. You will feel as if you are the only woman in the room when with Virgo. Virgo will complement your down-to-earth nature, and you both will enjoy a life that is structured, loving, and well put together.

Cancer and the Libra man will find they complement one another especially well. Libra is known for his social and flirtatious nature, which will appeal to your secret need for breaking out of the mundane. It is important in this match to remember that you both are in need of affection.

Do not hesitate to show your love for him and he will return it tenfold. Friendship as well as love are possible in this pairing.

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  • Cancer compatibility.

Cancer and the Scorpio man may at first clash. The reason being that these two are extremely similar. You can both be moody, and you may fight.

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If you can handle these squabbles, you have found a Scorpio that you can tame. He will make you feel very secure, and the re-inventive nature of Scorpio will leave you wanting more.

Scorpio's drawback is jealousy and envy. Let him know that he is the one whom your heart belongs to. This pairing can lead to a sensual romance if both are open minded, focused and committed. Cancer and the Sagittarius man will have a very rough and unstable relationship. Cancer strives to build the home, while Sagittarian men have a restless nature that can be dampened by your need for commitment.

Be aware that Sagittarian men are very hard to please at times. This will most likely be the downfall of any relationship with him. Cancer and the Capricorn man are polar opposites. Capricorn men are very in sync with what is going on around them. While their first ambition may seem to be material things, this is simply Capricorns' need to be materially secure.

Your moodiness may push his buttons at times, but he can handle it. You will enjoy the company that Capricorn keeps; socially he is appealing. While you may have some differences in what appears to be most important to you, you will both feel an uncanny sense of belonging together.

What Signs Are Compatible With Cancer?

Cancer and the Aquarius man will find they have immediate differences. Aquarian men value doing things in their own way. While you are looking for security, he may be looking for adventure. If he has won your heart, then you should know that he means business.

Mars enters Aries

Aquarians do things very deliberately. Be mindful that he will not outwardly show his affection as much as you need. For the best relationship between Cancer and Aquarius, look for fun and excitement that may lead to something more. Cancer and the Pisces man will click almost immediately.

You will find that he is very sensitive, and together you can share your need for emotional bonding. Pisces men are very intuitive, therefore he will notice when you are feeling down and will pick you up. Pisces men are also very creative, but this can lead to them seeming exaggerative.

If you cannot scratch his surface, then this match is best left as friends. It is not hard to see why Cancer women have a multitude of possible matches.

Cancer woman and libra man love compatibility

When you are on a quest for finding love, always remember to look at the heart of the situation. The first rule of thumb for Cancer is to not sell yourself short.

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  • What Signs Are Compatible With Cancer? | LoveToKnow;

Know that what you want is a very important factor in finding love. As you consult your psychic, do so with an open mind as well as a clear picture of what it is you are looking for.