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In essence, astrology maintains that celestial phenomena are related to human activity, so the signs are held to represent certain characteristics of behavior and personality traits. What we know today as astrology comes from the 2nd century AD, as it was formally described by Ptolemy in his work, Tetrabiblos.

These traditions have remained relatively unchanged for over seventeen centuries, though some alterations have been made due to the subsequent discoveries of the other planets in our Solar System.

Naturally, the birth of the modern psychology, biology and astronomy has completely discredited the notion that our personalities are determined by birth signs, the position of the stars or the planets.

Given what we know today of the actual elements, the movements of the planets, and the forces that govern the universe, astrology is now known for being little more than superstition. As such, the zodiac signs no longer correspond to constellations of stars that appear in night sky.

And last, but certainly not least, there is the issue of the missing 13th sign, which corresponds to the constellation Ophiuchus. Over years ago, this constellation was deliberately left out, though the Sun clearly passes in front of it after passing in front of Scorpius aka.

Scorpio and before reaching Sagittarius. But the true boundaries that divide the constellations, as defined by the International Astronomical Union IAU , are not exact. And in the meantime, here are the zodiac signs, listed in order along with what they mean, and some interesting facts associated with their respective constellations:.

Aries is associated with Fire, and the ruling celestial body of Aries is Mars. It appears to be a red dwarf, a class of low temperature and low luminosity stars. For those with telescopes, several galaxies can be spotted within the Aries constellation as well.

NGC is another, which is faint at magnitude 12 and part of a galaxy group. Aries is also home to several meteor showers, such as the May Arietids. This daylight meteor shower begins between May 4th and June 6th with maximum activity happening on May 16th.

The Epsilon Arietids are also a daylight occurrence, and are active between April 25th to May 27th with peak activity on May 9th. And then there are the Daytime Arietids, which occur from May 22nd to July 2nd with a maximum rate of one a minute on June 8th. To top it off, the Aries constellation contains several stars with extrasolar planets.

For example, HIP , a G5 type star, is orbited by three confirmed exoplanets, all of them giant planets all Super-Earths. HD , also a G-type main sequence star, has two orbiting planets which appear to be Super-Jupiters. And HD , a G0 type star, has one orbiting gas giant that roughly the same size as Jupiter.

The ruling celestial body of Taurus is Venus. There is one major annual meteor shower associated with the constellation of Taurus: The maximum fall rate for this meteor shower is about 10 meteors per hour, with many bright fireballs often occurring when the parent comet — Encke — has passed near perihelion.

And speaking of Pleiades aka. Messier 45 , The Seven Sisters this cluster of stars is located perpendicular to Aldebaran in the night sky, and is visible to the unaided eye.

Although it is made up of over confirmed stars, this object is identifiable by its seven particularly bright blue stars though as many as 14 up can be seen with the naked eye depending on local observing conditions.

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These are based on the Dioscuri of Greek mythology, two mortals that were granted shared godhood after death. Gemini is part of the Third House, traditionally named Fratres Brothers and currently known as the House of Communications. The associated element for Geminis is Air, and the ruling celestial body is Mercury. Pollux is the brighter of the two, an orange-hued giant star of magnitude 1.

Pollux has an extrasolar planet revolving around it, as do two other stars in Gemini, a super-Jupiter which was confirmed in There are two annual meteor showers associated with the constellation of Gemini. The first is the March Geminids, which peaks on or around March 22nd.

The average fall rate is generally about 40 per hour but this varies and the meteors appear to be very slow, entering our atmosphere unhurriedly and leaving lasting trails.

The second meteor shower are the Geminids themselves, which peak on or near the date of December 14th, with activity beginning up to two weeks prior and lasting for several days. The Geminids are one of the most beautiful and mysterious showers, with a rate of about per hour during a moonless night.

The Gemini constellation is also associated with Messier 35 , a galactic open star cluster that is easily spotted with the naked eye. The star cluster is quite young, having formed some million years ago, and is quite bright due to it having blown away most of its leftover material i.

Other open clusters in Gemini include NGC , which lies directly southwest of M35 in the night sky. In terms of the elements, Cancers are characterized by the element of Water, and the ruling celestial body of Cancer is The Moon.

This system is also home to a confirmed exoplanet, beta Cancri b, which is a Super-Jupiter with an orbital period of over days. In terms of deep-sky objects, Cancer is best known as being the home of Messier Object 44 aka. Praesepe, or the Beehive Cluster , an open cluster located in the center of the constellation.

Located light-years from Earth, it is one of the nearest open clusters to our Solar System. M44 contains about 50 stars, the brightest of which are of the sixth magnitude.

Zodiac Signs

The smaller, denser open cluster of Messier Object 67 can also be found in Cancer, which is light-years from Earth and contains approximately stars.

The active galaxy OJ is also found in the Cancer constellation. There is only one meteor shower associated with the constellation of Cancer, which is the Delta Cancrids. The peak date for this shower is on or about January 16t, and has been known to average only about 4 comets per hour and the meteors are very swift.

The sign of Leo is also associated with the element of Fire and the ruling celestial body of Leo is The Sun.

Horoscope Hang-Up: Earth Rotation Changes Zodiac Signs

There are five annual meteor showers associated with the constellation Leo. The first is the Delta Leonid meteor stream, which begins between February 5th through March 19th every year. The activity peaks in late February, and the maximum amount of meteors averages around 5 per hour.

The next is the Sigma Leonid meteor shower, which begins on April 17th.

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This is a very weak shower, with activity rates no higher than 1 to 2 per hour. The next is the November Leonids, the largest and most dependable meteor shower associated with the Leo constellation.

The peak date is November 17th, but activity occurs around 2 days on either side of the date. The radiant is near Regulus and this is the most spectacular of modern showers.

12 Zodiac Signs & What They Mean - Astrology Charts

The shower is made more spectacular by the appearance of the Temple-Tuttle comet, which adds fresh material to the stream when it is at perihelion. The last is the Leo Minorids, which peak on or about December 14th, which is believed to produce around 10 faint meteors per hour.

Leo is also home to some of the largest structures in the observable universe. This includes many bright galaxies, which includes the Leo Triplet aka. The Triplet is at a distance of 37 million light-years from Earth and has a somewhat distorted shape due to gravitational interactions with the other members of the Triplet, which are pulling stars away from M Both M65 and M66 are visible in large binoculars or small telescopes, but seeing them in all of their elongated glory requires a telescope.

In addition, it is also home to the famous objects Messier 95 , Messier 96 , and Messier These are spiral galaxies, in the case of M95 and M96 with M95 being a barred spiral , while Messier is an elliptical galaxy which is known to have a supermassive black hole at its center.

Then there is the Leo Ring aka. Cosmic Horseshoe a cloud of hydrogen and helium gas, that orbits two galaxies found within this constellation. Based on Astraea from Greek mythology, the maiden was the last immortal to abandon Earth at the end of the Silver Age, when the gods fled to Olympus.

They are also associated with the element of Earth and the ruling celestial body of Virgo is Mercury. For best results, enter your birth city ONLY in the birthplace location field.

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Star Sign Dates & Traits

Select your exact birth location from the list. For example, if your birth place is Dallas, Texas, try entering "Dallas" only. A list will appear and you can then choose the correct Dallas location.

Once you're happy with your selections, click the Submit button. Please tell us why you're writing example: Double check birth data. We can help you with time zones if needed, as there are some issues regarding the accuracy of time zone information in all astrology software programs. It's a good idea to check that the time zone offset is accurate.

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Zodiac Signs: Star Sign Dates, Traits & More | safetysurveyors.com

Checking off "Time Unknown" instructs the program to leave out the Ascendant and house positions in the report, as these cannot be determined with any accuracy without a birth time.

For most users, there is nothing special to do - the report is produced without the time-sensitive data. The following table compares the Gregorian dates on which the Sun enters.

The theoretical beginning of Aries is the moment of vernal equinox , and all other dates shift accordingly. The precise Gregorian times and dates vary slightly from year to year as the Gregorian calendar shifts relative to the tropical year. Except for and , the vernal equinox has started on 20 March since , and is projected to until Because the Earth's axis is at an angle, some signs take longer to rise than others, and the farther away from the equator the observer is situated, the greater the difference.

Thus, signs are spoken of as "long" or "short" ascension. The zodiac system was developed in Babylonia , some 2, years ago, during the " Age of Aries ". Contemporary use of the coordinate system is presented with the choice of interpreting the system either as sidereal , with the signs fixed to the stellar background , or as tropical , with the signs fixed to the point of vernal equinox.

Western astrology takes the tropical approach, whereas Hindu astrology takes the sidereal one. This results in the originally unified zodiacal coordinate system drifting apart gradually, with a clockwise westward precession of 1. For the tropical zodiac used in Western astronomy and astrology, this means that the tropical sign of Aries currently lies somewhere within the constellation Pisces " Age of Pisces ".

The sidereal coordinate system takes into account the ayanamsa , ayan meaning transit or movement , and amsa meaning small part , i. It is unclear when Indians became aware of the precession of the equinoxes, but Bhaskar II 's 12th-century treatise Siddhanta Shiromani gives equations for measurement of precession of equinoxes, and says his equations are based on some lost equations of Suryasiddhanta plus the equation of Munjaala.

The discovery of precession is attributed to Hipparchus around BC. The principle of the vernal point acting as the first degree of the zodiac for Greek astronomers is also described in the 1st century BC astronomical text of Geminus of Rhodes. Geminus explains that Greek astronomers of his era associate the first degrees of the zodiac signs with the two solstices and the two equinoxes, in contrast to the older Chaldean Babylonian system, which placed these points within the zodiac signs.

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Ptolemy also demonstrates that the principle of the tropical zodiac was well known to his predecessors within his astrological text, the Tetrabiblos , where he explains why it would be an error to associate the regularly spaced signs of the seasonally aligned zodiac with the irregular boundaries of the visible constellations:.

These events can be useful, for example, to estimate the cross-sectional dimensions of a minor planet , or check a star for a close companion. The Sun's placement upon the vernal equinox, which occurs annually around 21 March, defines the starting point for measurement, the first degree of which is historically known as the " first point of Aries ".

Zodiac signs have never been used to determine the boundaries of astronomical constellations that lie in the vicinity of the zodiac, which are, and always have been, irregular in their size and shape.

The use of the zodiac as a means to determine astronomical measurement remained the main method for defining celestial positions by Western astronomers until the Renaissance, at which time preference moved to the equatorial coordinate system , which measures astronomical positions by right ascension and declination rather than the ecliptic-based definitions of celestial longitude and celestial latitude.

The word "zodiac" is also used in reference to the zodiacal cloud of dust grains that move among the planets, and the zodiacal light that originates from their scattering of sunlight. In Unicode, the symbols of zodiac signs are encoded in block "Miscellaneous Symbols": From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the East Asian zodiac based on the Jovian orbital cycle, see Chinese zodiac.

For other uses, see zodiac disambiguation. Babylonian star catalogues and MUL. Axial precession , Epoch astronomy , Sidereal and tropical astrology , Astrological age , and Ayanamsa. Astronomical symbols Chinese zodiac Circle of stars Cusp astrology Elements of the zodiac.

Retrieved 19 September The Signs of the Zodiac. See also Lankford, John. History of Astronomy , Routledge, Translated and annotated by G. Toomer ; with a foreword by Owen Gingerich. Harris , Lexicon Technicum The introduction of the uniform zodiac", Archive for History of Exact Sciences , 64 6: Their Lore and Meaning , Vol.

Dover Publications, , p. Texts and Studies, 6 , Leiden: A History of Arabic Astronomy: