Attributes of a virgo horoscope

Virgo Facts
  1. Virgo Symbol, Planet, Element, and Quality
  2. Virgo: Virgo Zodiac Sign Dates & Traits
  3. Virgo Traits
  4. Virgo: Virgo Zodiac Sign Dates & Traits
  5. Virgo Traits

As children - Virgos are more sensitive than meets the eye. Their curiosity can be described as unemotional or detached, and they need parents that can recognize their finest emotions and teach them how to name and express them in a socially acceptable manner.

Obedient and modest by nature, they are easily hurt and their sense of self-worth needs to be built from day one. They will usually have good working habits and be responsible enough to know what falls under their jurisdiction in household activities.

However, they have trouble realizing just how good is the work they have done, and need to be acknowledged when they lose sight of what they did good.

Virgo Symbol, Planet, Element, and Quality

With Pisces in their seventh house, without idealistic views and trust everything else makes no sense at all.

The element of Earth they belong to makes them somewhat stable, and when they are aware of all the rational and emotional benefits of the relationship they are in, they will remain faithful and full of support for their partner.

Shy and difficult to open up, these individuals sometimes have trouble finding a partner at all, or at least finding someone they can actually connect with. Once they build up faith, they become much more mellow than it might have appeared at first, and this makes them extremely vulnerable. A Virgo is analytical and hardworking, with a natural born ability to see where problems lie and fix them in their core.

When they choose a job they love, and find the path that is supported by their surroundings, Virgos can easily reach leading positions, aware of their limitations, intelligent, and able to communicate with all sorts of people. Intelligent with a strong ability to analyze, go in-depth, and discover all sorts of important information where no one else has dared to look.

Practical as all Earth signs, but with an accented ability to fix what is broken and clean what is used. This can be a negative trait if it goes to extremes, and a Virgo should always keep in mind that it is not healthy to hold on to things that are broken all the time. Clean as a sign that speaks of clarity of mind, physiology and sexuality.

Virgo: Virgo Zodiac Sign Dates & Traits

Modest and even though this is often considered a positive trait, in the case of a Virgo, it is more often a negative one. Their entire life can be focused on finding a way to express their personality, become aware of their worth and get the respect they deserve. Are you a Virgo man or a Virgo woman?

The flash and dash can go to others, since Virgos would much rather be humble and easy-going.

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That said, Virgins do enjoy material possessions and are dare we say? This knack for discernment also serves Virgos well in business, where their decisions are usually dead-on. Those born under this sign are eminently sensible and use their critical eye well.

Virgo Traits

While Virgos can be worrywarts, they do their best to temper these impulses. For that reason, Virgos are extremely health conscious, to the point of being storehouses of information on diet and hygiene. See, the benefits of exercise are far more important to Virgo than the process itself.

Virgo traits

When it comes to the game of love, Virgos are able to loosen up somewhat and are devoted to their lovers, even if they can be a bit jealous. Since Virgo rules the intestines, worried Virgos need to be wary of bowel upsets.

Soothing relief often comes in the way of earth tones, which is why Virgos like to be surrounded by shades of tan and a warm yellow. Virgo is the sixth sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Virgin.

Virgos are intelligent, patient, and humble. With Mercury as the ruling planet, people born under this sign are quick-thinking, observant, and analytical.

Virgo: Virgo Zodiac Sign Dates & Traits

Read on to see if the characteristics ring true for you or the Virgin in your life. The typical Virgo man has a quiet dignity. He has discriminating tastes and an appetite for learning.

Many Virgo men are stylishly unassuming.

Virgo Traits

They are concerned with their health and fitness and are careful about their diets. Cooking for the Virgo man can be trying; he has a tendency to be fussy. He is a gentle soul with much charm. The Virgo woman has discreet charm. She is intelligent, thoughtful, and careful about her grooming.

How to Understand Virgo Horoscope Sign - Zodiac Signs